Voting Guide for the local April 1, 2025 elections
Click the link above to print the guide and take it with you to cast your ballot!
Indivisible West Suburban Chicago has received the following completed candidate questionnaires:
Alan Miller / Linda Sokol Francis Brookfield Library Board of Trustees
Natalie DeJonghe / Linda Sokol Francis Brookfield Library Board of Trustees
David Jakubiak / Linda Sokol Francis Brookfield Library Board of Trustees
Karl Olson / Linda Sokol Francis Brookfield Library Board of Trustees
Nick Diaferio / Village of LaGrange Park Board of Trustees
Jermaine Stewart / Village of La Grange Park Board of Trustees
Jamie Zaura / Village of La Grange Park Board of Trustees
Michael Dahl / D101 Western Springs School Board
Jason Dobrzynski / D101 Western Springs School Board
Robert Peck / D101 Western Springs School Board
Lorena Gasca / D208 Brookfield School Board
Patrick Williams / D208 Brookfield School Board
Indivisible West Suburban Chicago Members,
Thank you so much to all who attended our meeting on Sunday, February 23rd. So many folks joined in we had both an in-person and virtual overflow room. It's good to know more and more people are here to help, as we take on the work ahead together.
Please take a look at the ACTION SHEET we shared in the meeting as it gives many ways you can take action on issues currently, and as they arise in the future.
In our news and actions below we've included an invite to join us at our a Tesla Protest tomorrow (Saturday, March 1st), and at our Local Candidates Meet and Greet on Wednesday, March 12th. See below for many more events and actions in the days ahead.
Always feel free to join the conversations on our Facebook group or on Bluesky @IndivisibleWSC, both great places to find rapid response actions.
Meet Local Candidates for April 1 Elections
Join our Mardi Gras-themed candidate meet and greet on March 12th at 7PM featuring local candidates running in the Consolidated Election. Soft drinks, water, coffee, and light snacks provided. BYOB. Door Prizes. Open House at the Township of Lyons Office. Early voting opens March 17 (including at The Township of Lyons). Election Day is April 1. Make a plan to vote! Organized by Indivisible West Suburban Chicago, The Township of Lyons, and the Citizen’s Council of LaGrange. RSVP is required and you can do so HERE
Local Candidate Forums - Ready for Viewing
The LaGrange Area League of Women Voters' Candidate Forums for the April 1st elections have mostly taken place. Thanks to all who submitted questions to the LWV. You can view forums for the following races:
La Grange Park Village Trustee -The forum was held virtually on Wednesday, February 5. You can view a taped version of the forum here.
La Grange Area School District 204 LTHS - The forum was held virtually on Tuesday, February 11. You can view a taped version of the forum here.
La Grange Area School District 102 - The forum was held virtually on Tuesday, February 4. You can view a taped version of the forum here.
Adopt a Local Board
Local government is crucial to our daily lives and immediate communities. We need folks who are willing to attend local meetings of Village Trustees, School Boards, Library Boards and so on, and report back on what's going on at the most local level. Sign up HERE to adopt a local board, attend meetings, and then report back HERE about your experience. We will compile and distribute the collected information monthly.
Post Card Writing
A recent study by the Swing Blue Alliance Research Group shows that candidate postcards can increase votes for Democrats.
We have postcards for local races in DuPage county that are contested with folks from Moms for Liberty and other right-leaning, conservative organizations. You can pick up cards and directions at 346 N. Ashland Ave. in La Grange Park!
Recently the LaGrange Patch published questionnaires sent to the 4 candidates for LaGrange Village Trustees. You can read their responses HERE.
Phone Banks and Canvassing
Join Indivisible Illinois for Phone Bank training and calls for the Wisconsin Supreme Court this weekend and next weekend. You can see all their upcoming opportunities HERE
Indivisible Chicago is also holding phone banks and canvassing for the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Phone banks are EVERY Wednesday from 5-7PM until the election. You can sign up HERE to join the calls.
Canvassing is EVERY Saturday, usually at 12PM noon. You can find more info on times and dates to join the canvassing HERE
Rallies and Marches
On Friday, March 7th at Federal Plaza at noon, join Indivisible Chicago a grassroots group of students, professors, scientists, and concerned citizens, as we rally in defense of science. You can RSVP to attend HERE
This International Women’s Day (Saturday, March 8th), join Gemmes for Femmes as we march, rally, and raise our voices for justice, equity, and liberation. No matter the administration, we choose solidarity, safety, and each other. You can RSVP HERE.
Collection for Westchester Food Pantry
The Westchester Food Pantry's USDA allotments have been cut by 40%, and clientele continues to rise. Let's help them out!
There will be FOOD DONATION BINS (unexpired non-perishable items only) located at 5405 CAROLINE AVE for drop off. You may also drop off Paper Grocery Bags (handles are great!) at this location.
Paper Grocery Bag donations (handles are great!) will also be accepted at 6466 CHEROKEE DRIVE in Indian Head Park.
Current most needed items at the Pantry: paper grocery bags, meals in a can (ravioli, chili, stew, etc.), cereal, jelly, peanut butter, dry cat food
If YOU ARE WILLING to accept donations and transport them to the Food Pantry please email Abby at
Local Events
Mental Health Resource Fair at LTHS
On Wednesday, March 5th The Coalition for a Safe & Healthy Lyons Township in partnership with Lyons Township High School are bringing community mental health and substance use resources together for one night in the Lyons Township High School South Campus Library.
Join us for a night of learning what our community has to support adults and youth in our community. The schedule of events is:
6- 6:30 Resource fair, Explore the tables!
6:30 - 7:10 Presentations in Room 1 & 2
7:10-7:20 Refreshment Break
7:20 - 8 Presentations in Room 1 & 2
Room 1 - NAMI Metro Suburban
supporting Student Mental Health
Room 2 - West 40 Understanding School Refusal: Supporting Students, Empowering Parents
Each presentation will be done twice so you can attend both! There will be time for questions during both presentation times and the resource tables will be available for the duration of the event.
Light refreshments will be provided for attendees!
Moms Demand Action- Gun Legislation Overview
Hear about the latest Illinois and Federal common sense gun legislation updates from Elmhurst Moms Demand Action Lead, Rachel. Together we will discuss recent victories plus upcoming laws and elections - and how you can help! SIGN UP HERE to join us in Elmhurst on Tuesday, March 11, 2025 7:00 PM.
League of Women Voters- Exploring the Judiciary
The League of Women Voters® of the La Grange Area will sponsor a program exploring the Federal Judiciary on Saturday, March 8, 2025, 10am-Noon at the Brookfield Public Library, 3541 Park Avenue, Brookfield.
In June of 2024, at the most recent LWVUS convention, the League voted to conduct a study of the Federal Justiciary. This is a study of the structure of ALL federal courts not just the Supreme Court. Please come to our meeting to learn about that structure and to come to a consensus on the several study questions that we will discuss. The questions have been researched by the LWVUS committee. We will just be deciding whether we can agree on the answers to these questions. The results of our discussion and the decisions made will be sent to the LWVUS.
This event is free of charge and open to the public. No registration is required.
Action Sheet for Actions ANYTIME
As mentioned at the top of this email, you can always reference this ACTION SHEET, shared at our 2/23 meeting, to take meaningful action in the days ahead. We hope to see you soon at an event above!
Letters to the Editor Do Get Published! The letter below was submitted by an Indivisible WSC member and published in the Chicago Tribune March 9th 2025.
Op-ed is hypocritical
The hypocrisy of the Feb. 27 op-ed by Ray LaHood and Jim Nowlan is staggering (“Extreme gerrymandering as bad as old white-only primaries”). The tirade about gerrymandering in Illinois boggles the mind when it is being done on an epic level in many red states across the nation as well as through voter suppression actions.
What happens in Illinois if it changes and Republicans gain the majority? More gerrymandering in their favor? Undoubtedly.
I would suggest to LaHood and Nowland that they get their Republican peers in legislatures across the nation to support eliminating the Electoral College and implement a simple one-person, one-vote process so that majority actually does win, but we know that won’t happen.
M. Peterson, Riverside
With love and solidarity in all we have come through, and on our journey ahead,
Your local organizers in
Indivisible West Suburban Chicago